Thursday, December 1, 2011


Nika  drew this for me... Katelyn, not to be out done, told me she could do better...


I thought i'd share some art gifted to me by children over the past few years. I have worked in childcare for about 3 years, and after giving notice at my position in tis field, i decided to compile a web-site where i share happy moments, sad moments and well... just plain poke fun.

This next sample, is a note written to me by a 12 y/o i had to ask to leave due to  constant interruption during an activity.

 she did this of her own accord, and she is a very intelligent girl, i really appreciated having her around.

 I looked after a boy named Josh. This is all he ever drew... for a year. in hindsight, i should've kept them all as one post, but i could only hold on to so many monster house pictures.


according to this kid... this,

is me.